Wi-Fi wanderings with ROUGOL – 17th June

The next RISC OS User Group of London (ROUGOL) meeting will take place tomorrow evening – Monday, 17th June – where the group will be taking a general look at wireless networking.

There will be no guest speaker for this subject, and the format will be a more general chat about the subject, while experimenting with the two network stacks and Wi-Fi offerings that are available – one from RISC OS Open Ltd (ROOL) and the other from RISC OS Developments Ltd (ROD). How well does each perform against the other? How do they compare in terms of ease of use? These are just some of the questions that you might hope to see answered at the meeting.

Given the more open nature of the meeting, anyone attending is welcome to bring along anything they’d like to talk about, or come armed with questions about anything they need help with.

The meeting is a hybrid one as usual, so your port of call could be:

The Duke of Sussex,
(upstairs in either the Chichester or Petworth Room),
23 Baylis Road,
SE1 7AY.

Or you could join in via Zoom.

If your preference is to be there in person, the venue is easily reached by public transport, and there is car parking right outside for anyone who chooses to drive in. There are directions covering both options available on the ROUGOL website.

For online attendees, as well as a device on which to run the software, you’ll also need the meeting credentials, which are unchanged from previous ROUGOL meetings. If you haven’t joined one previously, or can’t find those details, get in touch with ROUGOL to receive them by email.

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